

62 days hrflFlorida here I come!

The #HRFL19 conference is coming up fast and I’m excited to attend this year. You can learn more about the sessions, social media team, events, and keynotes on the website: https://hrfloridaconference.org/!

Searching for information on the conference? Follow the hashtag #HRFL19 on all social media platforms.

The blog has been MIA recently but HRFL19 is bringing it back in full force, so make sure you’re keeping up with the post and social media post.

In the next few weeks I’ll be breaking down my schedule for the conference and what I’m most excited to do in FL!

From a quick view, I think many of the sessions will hit home and give me a few ideas to bring back to my role and company.

#HRFL19 just announced that they have been approved for a minimum of 17 credits and for my HR Pros out there with a certification, I know this is huge news for you!

Stay tuned for all of the behind the scenes looks. The social media team is going to have you covered from beginning to end.

Want to join me at the conference? Register here: https://www.hrflorida.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1144389

My first mission? Hunt down a pair of Minnie Mouse ears!

MM ears

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