#SHRM18 #SHRM18Steps Team HR High Steppers!

Guess who is one of the #SHRM18Steps Team Captains??? That's right, ME! I'm super excited for this opportunity to lead Team HR High Steppers into victory for the official #SHRM18 #SHRM18Steps Foundation Steps Challenge! Check out all of the information how to sign up here on the SHRM18 Foundation Steps Challenge official page. SHRM Foundation does… Continue reading #SHRM18 #SHRM18Steps Team HR High Steppers!


#BlackBlogsMatter #BlackConsciousness Day 28

Whew, we've made it 28 Days on this journey. Consciousness: the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings/the awareness or perception of something by a person. Black Consciousness: awareness of one's identity as a black person, especially as a basis for a political grouping or movement. It's interesting to see how alike, but also… Continue reading #BlackBlogsMatter #BlackConsciousness Day 28